At Doncaster Primary School we are fortunate to follow and join the Inform and Empower program. It is a digital safety and wellbeing p
rogram. This is a "real world”, educational approach to all cyber safety matters and present the information in a format th
at is relevant and current, with practical examples of how to educate children.
The Inform and Empower program is informative and empowering for ALL stakeholders- students, staff and parents/carers.
This program provides very important information about how to stay safe online and how to best protect our most important asset- our children! There are many aspects to this program, live incursions for students, cyber safety videos and curriculum, and parent information sessions.
The presenters are all fantastic presenters with a wealth of knowledge and experience. As students are introduced to a range of exciting online initiatives to support their learning, it is imperative that their safety is also prioritised.